About the Club

Regular Meetings

We dance weekly on Tuesday evenings (September – June, not in July or August) from 19:45 to 21:45.
We are also running afternoon (14:00-16:30) tea dances on the third Wednesday of most months (but not December).
We make tea and coffee at break time but ask you to please bring your own mug.

We dance in Chilton Village Hall. The Village Hall postcode of OX11 0SH won’t get you quite there, it will place you on Church Hill to the south east of All Saints Church.
The Village Hall is to the south west of the church and is accessed from Church Hill by a lane that runs round the north side of the church.
These maps may be helpful if you are approaching along the A34:
Chilton Village Hall from the North or Chilton Village Hall from the South
Here is the Chilton Village Hall web site

We are a friendly club and we welcome all newcomers whether expert or novice
– and you don’t have to be a Scot!

Oh, and having a number of Scots in our ranks, we don’t charge a fortune for our meetings
– £3 for an evening plus an annual membership fee of just £10.
You don’t need to become a member, occasional visitors get their first meeting free and then we ask for £4 per evening

If you are already a dancer, you might like to look at what we have recently been dancing at our meetings.
(For dancing before Sept 2018 see our old pages).

Please do contact the Secretary (see below) if you would like further details.
Otherwise, just bring along some soft shoes on a Tuesday evening.

Contact the Secretary:

Angela Lawrence
Email: secretary@HarwellSCDC.mno.org.uk

Other Contacts

Chairman: Angela McCleery
Email: chairman@harwellscdc.mno.org.uk

Treasurer: Bob McLatchie
Email: treasurer@harwellscdc.mno.org.uk